How Much Water Should You Store?

People, who are focused on eating and living better can easily answer the question: “How much water should you drink throughout the day?” Depending on who you talk to, this approximate amount is usually around eight 8-ounce glasses or 8-ounce bottles for optimal performance. Many factors can require an increase or a decrease of this […]

Back of Sport Berkey bottle for water filtration

Sport Berkey Water Bottle – The Next Step in Sport Water Bottles

Whether you enjoy traveling, exercising, camping, hiking, or simply staying hydrated as you complete your daily errands, the refillable water bottle has become a must-have accessory for health-minded men and women alike. Gyms across the country are installing bottle holders, as are major backpack brands, camping chair designs, and more. The message is clear: BYOW […]

The Difference Between the Big Berkey and the Royal Berkey Water Filter

The Big Berkey water filter and the Royal Berkey water filter are two of the most popular Berkey models, and they’re both widely used in residential and backcountry settings to provide clean, healthy, filtered water. Which of these two is right for your household largely depends on your space constraints and how many people are […]

Do Berkey Water Filters remove pharmaceuticals?

From health-conscious homeowners concerned about the city’s water supply to backpackers, hikers, and cyclists who need to find sources of drinking water on the go, water filtration systems have become an increasingly important component of modern living. Beyond common pollutants and contaminants, pharmaceuticals are making their way into more and more water sources leading to […]

The Why, What, Where of Boil Water Advisories

We need water for many aspects of daily life. We especially need clean water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. Health Canada has estimated in 2013 that 90,000 illnesses and 90 deaths occurred each year due to unsafe water in the country. There may be 1000 boil water advisories on a given day to warn locals […]

Atlantic Canada’s Model for a First Nations-led Water Authority

Article by Katherine Balpataky Whale painting by Mi’kmaq artist, Alan Syliboy from his People of the Dawn series.     As First Nations are more actively deploying their own governance locally, regionally, and nationally, a growing body of Canadian leaders are advocating for the federal government to get out of the way. This is equally true when […]

Alkaline Water Filter

Combine Your Berkey With Alkalizing Mineral Stones Berkey water purifiers are the world’s most powerful and economical personal water purification filter for everyday at home and emergency use.  But can they alkalize water?  Yes!  Adding alkalizing minerals (Maifan stones) and bio-ceramic energy balls to the bottom reservoir of your Berkey unit will turn it into an […]

Fluoride Water Filter

The Berkey PF-2 Heard about the ill-effects of fluoride in our drinking water?  There is a reason “97% of Western Europe has chosen fluoride free water” (  Looking for a fluoride filter?  The Berkey PF-2 fluoride reduction elements are so powerful, they may be just what you are looking for.  Up to 99.75% Fluoride, Sodium Fluoride, […]